Golf Page
7th Annual Colonial Theatre Golf Invitational
June 19, 2013
The Misquamicut Club
60 Ocean View Highway, Watch Hill, RI 02891
11:00am – Registration
12:00am – Grill-Buffet Lunch
1:00pm – Tee Time
Coctail House – Heavy Hors d’oeuvres and Raffle
Fee – $300 per person “Hot Ball” $50 per foursome- Deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law
“Hot Ball” $50 per foursome
($250 with pre registration and payment by April 30, 2013)
The Misquamicut Club is a private club. Appropriate attire required.
Register with: Tom Tobin 860-495-0170
or Penny Crandall 401-871-2010
Please make checks payable to:
The Colonial Theatre
P.O. Box 762
Westerly, RI 02891
We look forward to seeing you there and enjoying a beautiful day of Golf.
Book early and reserve your spot for this popular event.