Shakespeare To Go
The Colonial Theatre feels that literature is meaningful when it is truly enjoyed and understood. Bringing the written word to life on stage provokes critical thinking about social and personal conflicts, literary themes, history and politics. Our Theatre works in conjunction with the schools to present performances tailored to redirect text into the realm of familiarity. The Colonial Theatre believes that in delivering an expanded literary experience, students broaden and enrich their learning and outlets for self-expression.
Shakespeare-To-Go brings an interactive, condensed version of a Shakespeare play to area schools, and is performed by a cast of highly credited professional actors. It is the same play that will be performed in its fully realized version later that summer as part of The Colonial Theatre’s Shakespeare Festival in downtown Westerly, Rhode Island. This sequence helps prepare students for the full version of the play, and gives them the thrilling experience of participating as the written word leaps into the dramatic sphere of performance.
The Colonial Theatre’s Shakespeare-To-Go program has presented Shakespeare plays to elementary, middle, and high school students at over 40 schools in Rhode Island and Connecticut. Shakespeare-To-Go has also been performed for the freshman cadet class at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, and for the Groton Senior Citizen Center.
Generous contributions from The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, The Community Foundation of Southeastern Connecticut, The Lattner Foundation, The Frank Loomis Palmer Fund, and The Bodenwein Public Benevolent Foundation, have underwritten Shakespeare-To-Go for some schools in New London, Groton, Norwich, Ledyard, Stonington, Narragansett, Wakefield, Charlestown, and Providence, and school PTO’s, area businesses, private individuals, and community service organizations provided additional support. Special thanks to those who make this year’s program possible.
Click here to learn how your organization can host a Shakespeare-To-Go event.
To make a tax-deductible donation to sponsor a Shakespeare-To-Go performance, please contact us.